Religion and Society in Modern Japan: Selected Readings.

von Swanson, Paul L., Mark R. Mullins and Susumu Shimazono (eds.):

Swanson, Paul L., Mark R. Mullins and Susumu Shimazono (eds.):
Verlag / Jahr
Berkeley : Asian Humanities Press, 1993.
Format / Einband
Original softcover. X, 310 p., ill.
ca. 450 g
Somewhat rubbed, stained bottom edge, occasional pencil markings in text, otherwise good and clean. / Etwas berieben, angeschmutzter Fußschnitt, vereinzelt Bleistiftanstreichungen im Text, sonst gut und sauber. - Contents: PREFACE -- PART 1. JAPANESE RELIGIOSITY - Introduction -- Shinto in the History of Japanese Religion KURODA Toshio -- Religious Rituals in Shugendo MIYAKE Hitoshi -- Religion in Contemporary Japanese Society Jan SWYNGEDOUW -- PART 2. RELIGION AND THE STATE - Introduction Background Documents - 1. Meiji Constitution (1889), Article 28 - 2. Imperial Rescript on Education (1890) - 3. Memorandum on State Shinto, 3 December 1945 - 4. Directive for the Disestablishment of State Shinto, 15 December 1945 - 5. Emperor's Imperial Rescript Denying his Divinity, 1 January 1946 - 6. Constitution of Japan, Articles 20 and 89 -- The Revitalization of Japanese Civil Religion K. Peter TAKAYAMA -- Yasukuni-Jinja and Folk Religion Klaus ANTONI -- PART 3. TRADITIONAL RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS -- Introduction -- Buddhism as a Religion of the Family, Ian READER -- Religious Rites in a Japanese Factory, David C. LEWIS -- Mizuko Kuyo and Abortion in Contemporary Japan, HOSHINO Eiki and TAKEDA Dosho - Pokkuri-Temples and Aging, Fleur Wöss -- Soto Zen Nuns in Modern Japan, Paula K. R. ARAI -- PART 4. NEW RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS -- Introduction -- Soka Gakkai and the Slippery Slope from Militancy to Accommodation, Anson SHUPE -- Magic and Morality in Modern Japanese Exorcistic Technologies, Richard Fox YOUNG -- Christianity as a New Religion, Mark R. MULLINS -- Expansion of Japan's New Religions into Foreign Cultures, SHIMAZONO Susumu -- CUMULATIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY. ISBN 9780895819369
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