The Challenge to Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in a World in Crisis.

von Lichtenstein, Heinz:

Lichtenstein, Heinz:
Offprint from: International Journal of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (IJPP) Volume 2 Number 2, 1973.
Verlag / Jahr
New York: Aronson, 1973.
Format / Einband
Geheftet. S. 149-174.
ca. 550 g
Eselsohrig. Papierbedingt leicht gebräunt. - This article proposes that the “crisis of the modern world” consists of the breakdown of a consensus of what is real, even within the same culture. The breakdown of such consensus affects psychiatry in all its forms, but psychoanalysis in particular, because the question of what is real forms the conceptual core of psychiatry, and especially of psychoanalysis. A brief sketch of the historical roots of the concept of reality in Western civilization during the last centuries traces the connections between these developments and psychoanalytic theory and practice.
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The Challenge to Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in a World in Crisis.

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