Current issues in anthropology: the Nederlands.

von Kloos, Peter (Ed.) u.a.:

Kloos, Peter (Ed.) u.a.:
Anthropological Branch of the Nederlands Sociological and Anthropological Society.
Verlag / Jahr
Rotterdam, 1981.
Format / Einband
252 S.; Tab.; 24 cm; kart.
ca. 550 g
Gutes Ex. - Englisch. - Peter Kloos und Henri J. M. Claessen (Eds.). // INHALT : Preface Editors' preface ----- Themes of the 'seventies: Anthropology in the Netherlands 1970-1980 Peter Kloos ----- Recent Dutch research on Latin America Geert A. Bands ----- Dutch anthropology of Sub-Saharan Africa in the 1970s Wim. M.J. van Binsbergen ----- Dutch anthropologists in Europe Lo Brunt ----- Caribbean studies in the Netherlands Ingrid Koulen and Arnaud Marks ----- Recent Dutch research on Southeast Asia WillemG. Wolters ----- Political anthropology Henri J. M. Claessen ----- Museum and anthropology WilhelminaH.Kal ----- Third World cities: contributions by Dutch social scientists Peter J. M. Nas and Wil J. M. Prins ----- Structural anthropology in the Netherlands in the nineteenseventies Arie de Ruijter ----- Filiation and alliance in three Bororo myths. A reconsideration of the social code in the first chapters of The Raw and the Cooked Jarich G. Oosten ----- Religious anthropology ----- Matthew Schoffeleers and Peter van der Veer ----- Anthropology and Development Cooperation Rob Visser and Arie van der Wiel ----- Appendices : 1. Anthropological institutions in the Netherlands ----- 2. The authors.
Niederlande / Soziologie; Forschung; Anthropologie; Gesellschaft
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Current issues in anthropology: the Nederlands.

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