Civic Capitalism.

von Hay, Colin and Anthony Payne:

Hay, Colin and Anthony Payne:
Auflage: 1.
Verlag / Jahr
Polity Press, 2015.
Format / Einband
kartoniert. 147 Seiten,
ca. 218 g
Very good condition. - This little book is a book of its times in at least one un-equivocal and technical sense. It emanated from a series of bJog posts that we wrote for SPERI comment: tbe political economy blog between November 2013 and March 2014. These posts were then gathered up into a SPERI paper pub-lished in May 2014. We are pleased to say that in both formats they attracted some attention from readers and we were emboldened to seek to develop the ideas further in this volume. We were also only too aware of course that, for the first time in our lives, we knew in advance the precise date of the next British General Election. We would therefore like to thank a series of people who helped us get this book to press in quick time: John Thompson of Polity Press who took an immediate decision that this was a proposal worth endorsing; the ‘commentators’ on our original essay who responded willingly and quickly to our requests to see if they could help us take forward the debate ibout a potential civic capitalism; and Sarah Boswell and Laure Astill, successively the administrators of the Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute (SPERI), which we are proud to co-direct. For us, SPERI has been great fun to set up and lead. We hope that this book not only serves well as a kind of ‘mar festo’ for its approach and work, but also says something : interest, and perhaps of importance, to the plight of Britain (especially) but other countries too as we all seek to build something better out of the global crisis of the last few years. (Preface) ISBN 9780745692074
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