The complete novels and selected tales of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Edited, with an introduction by Norman Holmes Pearson. The Modern Library.

von Hawthorne, Nathaniel:

Hawthorne, Nathaniel:
Verlag / Jahr
New York: Random Hause, 1965.
Format / Einband
Originalleinen. 1223 S.
ca. 1550 g
Eine Ecke bestoßen, sonst gut. Besitzstempel Peter Krumme. - NOVELS Fanshawe -- The Scarlet Letter -- The House of the Seven Gables -- The Blithedale Romance -- The Marble Faun -- From TWICE-TOLD TALES The Gray Champion -- The Wedding Knell -- The Minister's Black Veil -- The May-Pole of Merry Mount -- The Gentle Boy -- Mr. Higginbotham's Catastrophe -- Wakefield -- The Great Carbuncle -- David Swan -- The Hollow of the Three Hills -- Dr. Heidegger's Experiment -- Legends of the Province House: Howe's Masquerade -- Edward Randolph's Portrait -- Lady Eleanore's Mantle -- Old Esther Dudley -- The Ambitious Guest -- Peter Goldthwaite's Treasure -- The Shaker Bridal -- Endicott and the Red Cross -- From MOSSES FROM AN OLD MANSE The Birthmark -- Young Goodman Brown -- Rappaccini's Daughter -- Mrs. Bullfrog -- The Celestial Railroad -- The Procession of Life -- Feathertop: A Moralized Legend -- Egotism; or, The Bosom Serpent -- Drowne's Wooden Image -- Roger Malvin's Burial -- The Artist of the Beautiful -- From THE SNOW IMAGE -- The Snow Image: A Childish Miracle -- The Great Stone Face -- Ethan Brand -- The Canterbury Pilgrims -- The Devil in Manuscript -- My Kinsman, Major Molineux.
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The complete novels and selected tales of Nathaniel Hawthorne.

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