2000 years of art in Portugal

von Pereira, Paulo und Illustrated :

Pereira, Paulo und Illustrated :
Auflage: First Edition, First Impression
Verlag / Jahr
Temas & Debates, 2000.
Format / Einband
Leinen mit Schutzumschlag / Cloth with dj. 349 S., zahlreiche Farbabb. u. -fotos, 29 cm,
ca. 711 g
Sehr guter Zustand / very good condition. This concise history ot art in Portugal begins its two thou-sand-year journey with a look back through the abstraction ol time to the fastinating and mysterious period ot prehistory. The eight chapters that make up this journey seek Io reflect the internal logic behind the history of the territory. Ophiussa covers prehistory (trom the Palaeolithie to the Chalcolithic; from around 30,000 BC to 2000 BC , in other words). The chapter Lusitänia deals with proto-history, the Romanisalion of Portugal and the advent of Christianity. Gharb foeuses on the rule and legacy ot Islam. Portucale looks al the art produced during the long period stretching l'roni the 7th to the 13th Century; from the pre-Romanesque to the Romanesque, touching on the Mozarab phenomenon on the way - and safely Crossing the Year One Thousand without too many glitches. Portugal, provides an overview ot the different artistic genres ot the Gothic, a decisive period lasting from the 13 ith to the 15 th Century during which Portugal finally became an independent kingdom. Empire looks at art in Portugal in the 16th and 1 7th centuries, an era rnarked by imperial ascendance - in the ancient, medieval o.r sixteenth-century meaning ot the terrn. A rnore tragmented albeit elucidatory view ot Baroque art in the 17th and 18th Century is given in Gold. Ancient Borders reflects on the changing fortunes ot Portugal, an empire whose gradual decline at the end ot the 18th Century moved it out ot the international limelight until itonce more asserted itselfwithin the European context at the end ot the 20th Century. ISBN 9789727592043
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EUR 31,00
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2000 years of art in Portugal

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