Girls. A Paean.

von Kelman, Nic:

Kelman, Nic:
Verlag / Jahr
Little Brown and Comp., 2003.
Format / Einband
Fadengehefteter Pappband mit Schutzumschlag. 214 S.
ca. 550 g
Gutes Ex. - girls is an erotic spree, a journey into the most forbidden corners of male desire, a story about men who have been rendered numb by their power, who have sacrificed everything for success, who have lost their souls and can find meaning only by living vicariously, obsessively through young women. These are the men who wear a ring that says "Peace" or "Dream More" (which she gave them). But they are not at peace; the ring won't work. These are the men who have left their safe lives, their wives; their lust sets them free/is like a prison. They have replaced their old dreams with dreams of the girls they yearn for. Because the wide-eyed wonder of youth gives them back a taste of what they've lost. Nic Kelman has written a brilliant and provocative novel about lust, obsession, and power. It is a revelation and an awakening. - "Not all men are pigs. But some are, and the rich, successful, attractive ones may be the most monstrous of all. This is an acid-etched, dead-on, creepily exciting, genuinely disturbing chronicle of pathology that I didn't want to keep reading and couldn't put down." - KURT ANDERSEN ISBN 0316711535
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