This is a brochure from the SSS Company of Atlanta for their SSS tonic.  Founder  Charles Thomas Swift bought the recipe for the tonic in about 1860 from a Georgia planter who said he'd gotten it from a Creek Indian in 1826.  It was made from Sumac and other roots and herbs. The product is very popular and is still made today. It provides more than the daily requirements of iron and the B vitamins - the only current caveats I found were to use care in giving it to very young children because of the large amount of iron and alcohol and  avoid it if already high concentrations of iron are present in the body.  The company's website states that the company is the oldest no prescription  drug company in the US. The 7 3/4 by 3 inch booklet has 8 interior pages. It's not dated, but the images of people look like the 1930's. It describes the factory and shows microscope slides of normal and "weak" blood. There's also advice on a healthy diet - foods to eat and avoid are similar to today though the talk about "alkaline ash" and the statement that  carbohydrates comsume fat is not! There's also a  height and weight chart - a bit more forgiving that the current ones. Oddly no mention of Indian recipe! The covers and some pages have chipped corners and the booklet is starting to split at fold. Pages lightly toned.