Brand new with tags is our glow in the dark Lord of the Rings the one ring.

Beautiful and durable stainless steel material, either silver or black.

The One Ring, also called the Ruling Ring and Isildur's Bane,

In the Land of Mordor where the shadows lie. One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, One ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.

choices of the following colors, you will receive 1 ring of your choice unless you choose to buy more:
black with black elvish writing
black with gold elvish writing
silver with gold elvish writing

sizes 9 or 10 only - choose color and size from above drop down box near photos.

Ring will need to be "charged" by a light source for glowing effects to become visual - either hold up to light source (carefully of course) or place in sunny light area.

shipping with usps first class mail with tracking.

Please ask all questions prior to order, all sales are final.