Many homeowners include Clover in their lawn seed mixture because clover sprouts fast and grows so dependably that it's a valuable aid in getting a new lawn started. Nodules on the roots fix nitrogen from the air. Actually, up to 1/3 the nitrogen your lawn needs can be obtained from white dutch clover! 

Clovers grow vigorously even in poor clay subsoil around new home construction. 

If you want all the benefits of a cover crop but don't want to till early or mow, clover is your best bet. 

Getting a good stand of white clover is a first and critical step to success with this high quality, persistent crop. 

They attract bees and act as fertilizers. That is, white clovers fix nitrogen attract pollinators. The best way to grow these seeds is to sow seeds after lawn mowing and then water the lawn, ideally in the late afternoon. 

Attract bees and act as fertilizers. Can be sown in spring, summer or fall

Keep watering for two weeks, then sit back and relax. Since white clovers are perennial, you will notice that your lawn constantly getting fresher and greener year after year. 

Sow Rate: 1/4 lb per 1000 square feet or 6 to 8 lbs per acre are recommended. One bag of 1 oz seeds covers 250-500 square feet of land.

  • Balansa clover is the most cold-tolerant annual clover; it can withstand temperatures down to -25˚C (-14˚F).
  • White clover (also known as Dutch Clover) seeds are for everyone who owns a lawn as they grow well with grass.  White Clover is a perennial Legume Cover Crop that can tolerate heat and shade.
  • Yellow Sweet Clover is a good choice for improving soil structure, nitrogen fixing, providing nutritious pasturage, and feeding honey bees.  Plants will reach 30-90cm (12-36") tall in the first year of growth. We recommend tilling under when the second year growth reaches 15cm (6").
  • Multi-Color Blend of Clovers is a great mixture of annual and perennial clover varieties including Crimson Clover, Medium Red Clover, White Dutch Clover, Yellow Sweet Clover, and Balansa clover