How to make PEPAKO a smooth-moving paper doll 

Paper patterns  9784416522684


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It's like animation! How to make a smooth-moving paper doll "PEPAKO

・Paper Puppet Child" or "PEPAKO" is a hand-operated paper doll.
・By moving the wire attached to the back of the puppet, you can make it move in cute, smooth, animated ways, such as waving its hands, blinking its eyes, and moving its mouth as if it were talking.
・It requires only three materials: paper, wire, and tape!

・This book explains the process of assembling PEPAKO and actually making it move in an easy-to-understand and detailed manner.
・From basic movements such as "shake your head" and "blink your eyes," to more complex movements as an application, to more complex and more advanced movements as an advanced version.
・The advanced version includes more complex and flashy gimmicks.

・Includes 12 different paper patterns for each of the 12 works in the book, plus a special cardboard pattern!

Publisher name : Seibundo Shinkosha
Author : Wasu (Author)
Publication date : 2022/08/20
ISBN-13 : 9784416522684
Language : Japanese
Number of pages : 144 pages
Height : 26 cm
Width : 22 cm