"Learn from Bent Larsen" by GM Mihail Marin

Verlag Quality Chess, November 2022, 304 Seiten, ein gebundenes Exemplar als Neuware. 

Ein erneut (zurecht) hochgelobtes Buch eines herausragenden Autors!   

Der rumänische Autor (spricht übrigens perfekt deutsch!) hat einen hervorragenden Namen. Dessen Bücher zählen zu den besten Schachwerken des 21. Jahrhunderts. Mihail hat eine besondere Gabe, dem Leser Strategie und Taktik auf unterhaltsame, aber letztendlich sehr lehrreiche Weise näher zu bringen. Mein Tipp: Wenn MARIN draufsteht, können Sie das Buch unbesorgt kaufen - es wird sich immer lohnen!   

Bent Larsen is one of the most celebrated chess players of the twentieth century. Larsen is the man who pushed Bobby Fischer down to Board 2 on the Rest of the World team in 1970. The Danish grandmaster had spectacular results, but chess fans appreciated even more his creativity and fighting spirit. For Larsen, a drawish-looking position was no reason to halt a game, as he had the ability to create magic out of thin air.

Learn from Bent Larsen is a labour of love by award-winning author Mihail Marin. This project was originally planned as one chapter in a book about several players, but as ever more gems emerged, it became clear that Bent Larsen deserved a book of his own.

Mihail Marin is a grandmaster from Romania. His books for Quality Chess have established him as one of the world´s finest chess authors.

004 Key to Symbols used

005 Preface

009 1. A Boundless Optimist

035 2. Initiative and Accuracy

063 3. Larsen?s Hypermodern Approach

099 4. Advancing the Rook Pawns

123 5. Endgames the Larsen Way

159 6. Transformations

229 7. A World Title Contender?s Biography

271 8. Tests

277 9. Solutions

293 Appendix A ? A Brief Biography

294 Appendix B ? Notable Results

298 Bibliography

299 Index of Openings

300 Name Index

302 Game Index



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