Methodical System of Universal Law. Or, the Laws of Nature & Nations -- with Supplements & a Discourse by George Turnbull - Natural Law and Enlightenment Classics.

von Heineccius, Johann Gottlieb:

Heineccius, Johann Gottlieb:
Verlag / Jahr
Liberty Fund Inc., 2008.
Format / Einband
15,9 x 3,8 x 23,5 cm, Originalleinen mit Schutzumschlag / with dust jacket. XIX, 687 Seiten / p.
ca. 1080 g
sehr guter Zustand / very good condition - Early-modern natural law theories formed an integral part in the development of the Enlightenment, and that relationship is exemplified particularly well in the writings of Johann Gottlieb Heineccius ( 1681-1741 ) . A Methodical System of Universal Law, first published as Elementa Iuris Naturae, et Gentium, laid out Heineccius’s distinctive system of natural jurisprudence, which gained widespread recognition after it appeared. The Scottish philosopher George Turnbull ( 1698-1748 ) , who translated Heineccius’s work into English, termed it “so excellent a book upon a subject of such universal importance.’ -- In his system of natural law Heineccius went beyond earlier theorists such as Pufen-dorf. He argued that the duties of natural law included not only duties of sociability toward other humans but also duties toward oneself and God. A central principle of natural law, according to Heineccius, was love. It was not enough for humans to know what was morally good: they also had to love and desire it. -- George Turnbull accompanied his translation of Heineccius ( 1741 ) with extensive comments and an additional Discourse, in which he attempted a synthesis of natural jurisprudence, belief in the influence of divine providence on human affairs, and James Harrington’s neo-republican ideas on government. In doing so, Turnbull adapted Heineccius’s natural law theory to an Anglo-Scottish political and cultural context. -- This Liberty Fund edition is based on the 1741 London edition, which was a translation of the first edition, published in Latin in 1738. The editors clarify the original references by Heineccius and Turnbull and identify quotations and paraphrases. A bibliography provides publication details for works cited in the notes. ISBN 9780865974784
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