Sons of Hellenism, Fathers of the Church: Emperor Julian, Gregory of Nazianzus, and the Vision of Rome (Transformation of the Classical Heritage, Band 49)

von Elm, Susanna:

Elm, Susanna:
Verlag / Jahr
University Of California Press, 2012.
Format / Einband
Gebundene Ausgabe 553 Seiten
ca. 900 g
Fresh and clean hardcover copy in good condition with original dustjacket. Frisches und sauberes Hardcover-Exemplar in gutem Zustand mit Original-Schutzumschlag. Contents: Abbreviations - Acknowledgments - Introduction - Universalism and Governance - Julian the Emperor and Gregory the Theologian - Gregory and the Bishops - Julian and Gregory in Context Part I - 1. Nazianzus and the Eastern Empire, 330--361 Nazianzus and Gregory: The Personal and the Local Constantinople: Emperor, Cosmopolis, and Cosmos Constantius's Triumph: Unity and Harmony, 358--360 Reversal: Constantius and Julian Augustus, 360--361 2. Julian, from Caesar to Augustus: Paris to Constantinople, 355--362 Toward Constantinople: From Caesar to Augustus, 360--361 Julian's Concepts of Leadership: Philosopher and King 3. Philosopher, Leader, Priest: Julian in Constantinople, Spring 362 The Context of Julian's Concepts of the True Philosophical Life A Philosopher as Leader, in Julian's Own Words: Against the Cynic Heraclius A Universal Divinity for a Universal Empire; or, How to Interpret Myth: Hymn to the Mother of the Gods How to Achieve True Philosophy: Against the Uneducated Cynics The Law Regarding Teachers Part II 4. On the True Philosophical Life and Ideal Christian Leadership: Gregory's Inaugural Address, Oration 2 A High-Wire Act: The True Philosophical Life as the Model of Priesthood in Late Antiquity The Codes of Aptitude 5. The Most Potent Pharmakon: Gregory the Elder and Nazianzus The Other High-Wire Act: Fathers and Sons The Royal Road: Gregory the Elder's Opponents at Nazianzus 6. Armed like a Hoplite--Gregory the Political Philosopher at War: Eunomius, Photinus, and Julian Oikeiosis pros Theon as Political Philosophy The Enemy on the Inside: Photinus and Eunomius What Do Words Mean? Oikeiosis pros Theon: Oration 2 against Eunomius Part III 7. A Health-Giving Star Shining on the East: Julian in Antioch, July 362 to March 363 The Emperor as Priest Julian's Divine Mandate The Platonic Philosopher-King: The Misopogon and Julian's Universal Vision 8. The Making of the Apostate: Gregory's Oration 4 against Julian The Pillar of Infamy: An Inverted Furstenspiegel Imperial Decrees and Divine Enactments: Julian and Constantius 9. A Bloodless Sacrifice of Words to the Word: Logoi for the Logos Myth and Allegory Logoi: The Theological Implications Apostasis versus Theosis; or, True Oikeiosis pros Theon Oration 6, On Peace: Unity and Concord 10. Gregory's Second Strike, Oration 5 The Pagan Context Gregory's Second Strike against the Pagans Procopius versus Valens Conclusion: Visions of Rome Governing the Oikoumene Authority and Kinship of the Elites Competing Universalisms - Notes - Bibliography - Index ISBN 9780520269309
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Sons of Hellenism, Fathers of the Church: Emperor Julian, Gregory of Nazianzus, and the Vision of Rome (Transformation of the Classical Heritage, Band 49)

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