The Diary of Sigmund Freud. 1929-1939. A Record of the Final Decade. Von Michael Molnar.

von Freud, Sigmund:

Freud, Sigmund:
The Freud Museum, London. Designed by Martin Moskof.
Verlag / Jahr
Maxwell Macmillan, 1992.
Format / Einband
Originalleinen mit illustr. Schutzumschlag. XXVI; 326 S.; sehr zahlr. Illustr.; 31 cm.
ca. 2200 g
Second-hand aber noch original folienverpackt. - Englisch. - INHALT : ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ---- INTRODUCTION by Michael Molnar ---- THE DIARY: Facsimile and English Translation ---- THE ANNOTATED DIARY: 1929-1939 ---- THE GERMAN TEXT: Kürzeste Chronik ---- NOTES & REFERENCES ---- INDEX ---- PHOTO CREDITS. // Diary of Sigmund Freud 19294939 A Record of the Final Decade Published for the first time in its entirety, this document offers a stunning look at the last years of Freud's life. It takes up the major themes of this period: Freud's agonizing struggle with cancer, the rise of Nazism in Austria, which led to his exile in England, his increasing reliance on Anna Freud, and, although he worked until the end, the continuing "declining curve" of his powers. This record as a whole "may be seen as a reliable chart of Freud's dying years." Illustrated with hundreds of photographs never before published. An extraordinary achievement. (Verlagstext) ISBN 0684193299
Sigmund Freud; Tagebuch; Psychoanalyse; Biographie; Wissenschaft
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EUR 59,00
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The Diary of Sigmund Freud. 1929-1939. A Record of the Final Decade. Von Michael Molnar.

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