Dardanians and Macedonians. [From: A. Fol (ed.), Studia in honorem Georgii Mihailov].

von Hammond, N. G. L.:

Hammond, N. G. L.:
Verlag / Jahr
Sofia: Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Institute of Thracology, 1995.
Format / Einband
Reprint. pp. 223-230.
ca. 550 g
From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of the ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - With dedication by the author. - Slightly browned due to paper, author's name handwritten on cover, otherwise clean. - From the text: I welcome the opportunity to pay a tribute of affection and respect to Professor Georgi Mihailov, a colleague and a friend of many years standing. Every student of the ancient history of the Balkan area turns to him and draws inspiration from his pioneering, monumental work Inscriptiones Graecae in Bulgaria Repertae. That has been my experience in wilting A History of Macedonia. So I hope that he will consider my subject here appropriate to the celebration of his seventieth birthday. The watershed range which separates the Danube Valley from the Aegean Sea at the longitude of Macedonia consists, from west to east, of Sar Planina, Crna Gora and Kosjak Planina (see Map 1). The great bulk of Dardanian territory lay to the north of the watershed range; it included the very fertile tableland from which the Ibar takes its headwaters (this being known as Kossovo, with Pristina as its chief centre) and the upper valley and catchment area of the Morava. Thus Pliny 3.149 wrote of “famous rivers flowing from the Dardanians, the Margus (Morava), Pingus (Sitnica-Ibar) and Timachus (Timok).” - Wikipedia: Nicholas Geoffrey Lemprière Hammond, CBE, DSO, FBA (15 November 1907 – 24 March 2001) was a British historian, geographer, classicist. [...] Hammond is seen as the leading expert on the history of ancient Macedonia. He has been recognized for his meticulous research on the geography, historical topography and history of ancient Macedonia and ancient Epirus.
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Dardanians and Macedonians. [From: A. Fol (ed.), Studia in honorem Georgii Mihailov].

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