Notes on the Illuminations of the Spanish Haggadah in the John Rylands Library. [From: Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, Vol. 36, No. 2, March 1954].

von Rosenau, Helen:

Rosenau, Helen:
Verlag / Jahr
Manchester: The Librarian, The John Rylands Library - The Manchester University Press, 1954.
Format / Einband
Reprint. pp. 468-483, 2 pl.
ca. 550 g
From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of the ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - With dedication by the author to K. Preisendanz. - Paper browned, otherwise very clean. - From the text: The desire to approach absolute values has been the foundation of religious beliefs, Utopian endeavours and artistic creation. It has inspired religious art and influenced the illumination of Haggadoth, relating the Exodus from Egypt to a faith in perennial salvation. Philo, in his book The Special Laws (vol. ii, p. 148), says with regard to the Festival of the Passover “ On this day every dwelling house is invested with the outward semblance and dignity of a temple ”. This statement suggests the essence of the festival’s ritual and the character of the medieval illuminated manuscripts describing it. - Wikipedia: Helen Rosenau, verheiratete Rosenau-Carmi (geboren 27. März 1900 in Monte-Carlo; gestorben Oktober 1984 in London) war eine deutsch-britische Kunsthistorikerin. [...] Rosenaus Spezialgebiete waren mittelalterliche Dombauten und Architekturzeichnungen sowie jüdische Kunst und Architektur, Kunstsoziologie, französische Revolutionsarchitektur, utopische Architektur und Stadtplanung.
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Notes on the Illuminations of the Spanish Haggadah in the John Rylands Library.

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