Islamic Moral Education: An Introduction.

von Hajaltom, Basheer M. O.:

Hajaltom, Basheer M. O.:
Verlag / Jahr
Mekka: Umm-al-Qura University, 1982.
Format / Einband
Originalhardcover. 153 p.
ca. 550 g
From the estate of Dr. JuttFrom the estate of Gerd Winkelhane (1949-2018), director of Klaus Schwarz Verlag from 1989. - Binding slightly bumped, otherwise good. - The need for writing books about different aspects of Islam in English has been felt particularly by those who have come into contact with Muslims who do not speak Arabic, and non-Muslims who would like to have some knowledge of Islam. This book is an attempt to meet part of this need. It is about moral education in Islam. An attempt has been made in the first three chapters to show that for Islamic moral education to be effective three emphases are necessary. The first emphasis is that the Islamic society is characterized by justice, stability and harmony. It has been shown that the Shari'a lays down the foundations of justice and stabilite by planning social, political and economic institutions, thus bringing about lasting harmony in society and a more balanced life for the individual. The second emphasis is the necessity and the desirability : having moral homogeneity. It has been argued, in the second chapter that although Islamic morality is derived from the Shari'a, which is binding on all Muslims, intention, reason and moral understanding are indispensable. The third emphasis is the importance of the practical discipline. In addition to the application of rational criteria which enable the individual to judge morally, al-'ibadat contribute by disciplining the individual's feelings into a moral framework.
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