Depression and human existence.

von Anthony, E. James and Therese Benedek (Hrsg.):

Anthony, E. James and Therese Benedek (Hrsg.):
Verlag / Jahr
Boston : Little, Brown, 1975.
Format / Einband
Originalhardcover mit Schutzumschlag. XXXIV, 568 S.
ca. 550 g
Umschlag leicht berieben, sonst gutes Exemplar. - The Biological and Social Substrate. Introductory Comments: Heredity in the Affective Disorders. George Winokur -- Biochemical and Neuropharmacological Research in the Affective Disorders. Jan Fawcett -- Neurochemical Aspects of Adaptive Regulation in Depression: Failure and Treatment. Arnold J. Mandell David S. Segal -- Cultural Influences in Depression. Horacio Fabrega, Jr. -- Social Factors in Depression. Horacio Fabrega, Jr. -- The Genesis of Psychoanalytic. Concepts Relating to Depression. Introductory Comments: The Evolution of Psychoanalytic Concepts of Depression. Arnold I. Goldberg -- Ambivalence and the Depressive Constellation in the Self. Therese Benedek -- The Regulation of Self-Esteem. Edith Jacobson -- The Role of Conservation-Withdrawal in Depressive Reactions. Arthur H. Schmale, George L. Engel -- Manic-Depressive Illness as an Actual Neurosis. Edward A. Wolpert -- The Life Cycle. Introductory Comments: Childhood Depression. E. Janies Anthony -- The Influence of a Manic-Depressive Environment on the Developing Child. E. James Anthony -- Adolescent Depression. Sherman C. Feinstein -- Depression during the Life Cycle. Therese Benedek -- On Anniversary Suicide and Mourning. George H. Pollock -- Psychological Defense against Depression. Mortimer Ostow -- Anhedonia and Depression in Schizophrenia. Roy R. Grinker, Sr. -- Treatment. Introductory Comments: The Psychoanalytic Treatment of Depressive Patients. Edith Jacobson -- Two Contrasting Types of Adolescent Depression and Their Treatment. E. James Anthony -- Psychological Considerations in the Chemotherapy of Depression. Mortimer Ostow -- Toward a Theory of Depression: Toward a Theory That Encompasses Depression: A Revision of Existing Causal Hypotheses in Psychoanalysis. Michael Franz Basch. ISBN 0316043710
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Depression and human existence.

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