Organization and Pathology of Thought. Selected Sources. Translation and Commentary by David Rapaport.

von Rapaport, David and Eugen Bleuler (u.a.):

Rapaport, David and Eugen Bleuler (u.a.):
Verlag / Jahr
Columbia University Press; New York, 1951.
Format / Einband
XVIII; 796 Seiten; 24 cm; fadengeh., rückengoldgepr. Orig.-Leinenband.
ca. 1200 g
Gutes Exemplar; Einband stw. berieben; Seiten minimal nachgedunkelt. - Englisch. - David A. Rapaport (* 30. September 1911 in Budapest; † 14. Dezember 1960 in Stockbridge, Massachusetts) war ein US-amerikanischer Psychologe und Psychoanalytiker. … Sein Lehranalytiker war - von 1935 bis 1938 - Theodor Reik. 1938 schloss er sein Studium der Psychologie an der damaligen Péter-Pázmány-Universität ab; das Thema seiner Dissertation lautete: Geschichte der Konzepte von Assoziationen - von Bacon bis Kant. Im Dezember 1938 mussten Rapaport, Frau und Tochter emigrieren. Mit Hilfe des Emergency Committee on Relief and Immigration der American Psychoanalytic Association kamen sie in die Vereinigten Staaten. … (wiki) // ... But not only what these papers taught seemed important to me. Most of them have a human touch which gives a particular validity to thought, often in abeyance where rigorous scientific proof holds sway. Some of these papers, or at least their concepts, are often quoted but rarely read; thus the true nature of their concepts and the very flavor of their thoughts are lost. None of this may be important where concepts have reached a final definiteness, and science the formula-certainty of tested knowledge, but it seems all-important in a phase where neither of these has been achieved. Silberer referred to science in this phase as "the mythological form of knowledge," and it does not seem yet that psychology in general has outgrown it. The desire to rescue some of these papers from oblivion has prompted me to assume the slow labors of translation. The papers originally in German were translated by me; Claparede's paper was translated by my wife, Elvira Rapaport … (Vorwort D.R.) // INHALT / Kapitel (Auszug) : INTRODUCTION ----- DIRECTED THINKING ----- . DETERMINING TENDENCIES; AWARENESS, by Narciss Ach ----- OX THOUGHT CONNECTIONS, by Karl Buehler ----- RECOGNITION AND "ME-NESS," by E. Claparede ----- COMMENTS CONCERNING PSYCHOLOGICAL FORCES AND ENERGIES, AND THE STRUCTURE OF THE PSYCHE, by Kurt Lewin ----- INTENTION, WILL AND NEED, by Kurt Lewin ----- FANTASY-THINKING ----- AUTISTIC THINKING, by Eugen Bleuler ----- AUTISTIC-UNDISCIPLINED THINKING, by Eugen Bleuler ----- THE PSYCHOLOGY OF DAYDREAMS, by J. Varendonck ----- ON PRECONSCIOUS MENTAL PROCESSES, by Ernst Kris ----- PART SIX. PATHOLOGY OF THINKING ----- ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THOUGHTS, by Paul Schilder ----- STUDIES CONCERNING THE PSYCHOLOGY AND SYMPTOMATOLOGY OF GENERAL PARESIS, by Paul Schilder -- (u.v.a.)
Psychoanalyse / Psychologie; Wissenschaftsgeschichte
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Organization and Pathology of Thought. Selected Sources. Translation and Commentary by David Rapaport.

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