Topics in Latin Philosophy from the 12th-14th centuries: Collected Essays of Sten Ebbesen, Volume 2. Ashgate Studies in Medieval Philosophy.

von Ebbesen, Sten:

Ebbesen, Sten:
Verlag / Jahr
Surrey: Ashgate, 2009.
Format / Einband
Hardcover. IX, 243 p.
ca. 617 g
Leicht bestoßen, sonst ein sehr gutes und sauberes Exemplar / Lightly bumped, otherwise a very good and clean copy. - Contents Foreword 1 Early Supposition Theory (12th—13th centuries) 2 The Present King of France Wears Hypothetical Shoes with Categorical Laces 3 Oxynat: A Theory about the Origin of British Logic 4 The Semantics of the Trinity according to Stephen Langton and Andrew Sunesen 5 What Must One Have an Opinion About 6 Porretaneans on Propositions 7 Albert (the Great?)’s Companion to the Organon 8 Concrete Accidental Terms: Late Thirteenth-Century Debates about Problems Relating to Such Terms as ‘album' 9 Boethius of Dacia: Science is a Serious Game 10 The Man who Loved Every. Boethius of Dacia on Logic and Metaphysics 11 Radulphus Brito. The Last of the Great Arts Masters. Or: Philosophy and Freedom 12 Radulphus Brito on the Metaphysics 13 Proof and its Limits According to Buridan Summulae 8 Bibliography Index of Manuscripts Index of Names and Subjects. ISBN 9780754658368
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Topics in Latin Philosophy from the 12th-14th centuries: Collected Essays of Sten Ebbesen, Volume 2.

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