Daydreams and Nightmares. Reflections on a Harlem Childhood.

von Horowitz, Louis Irving:

Horowitz, Louis Irving:
Verlag / Jahr
Jackson and London: University Press of Mississippi., 1990.
Format / Einband
Original Leinen kaschiert mit Schutzumschlag / Cloth laminated with dust jacket. IX, 104 S. / p., s/w Abb., Beilage
ca. 550 g
leicht berieben, ansonsten tadelloser Zustand / slightly rubbed, otherwise perfect condition - Beilage / supplement: Geburtstagseinladung zum 70.Jubiläum und Todesanzeige von Louis Irving Horowitz des transaction Verlags an Wolfgang Haase und Martha Friedenthal-Haase, zwei Nachrufe des The Star-Ledger und des Springer Verlags, eines Antwortschreibens von Mary E. Curtis mit beilliegendem Entwurf eines booklets zur Erinnerung an Horowitz und einer Einladung zur Gedenkfeier für Louis Irving Horowitz - Birthday invitation for the 70th anniversary and obituary of Louis Irving Horowitz from transaction Verlag to Wolfgang Haase and Martha Friedenthal-Haase, two obituaries from The Star-Ledger and Springer Verlag, a reply letter from Mary E. Curtis with enclosed draft of a booklet in memory of Horowitz and an invitation to the memorial service for Louis Irving Horowitz - This is the hard-edged story of the making of a world-famous sociologist. It is even more the story of a boy hustling to survive. His family saga is a single playlet in the larger drama of American transformation. -- Here in an astonishing and candidly written memoir one of America’s premier social scientists recounts the intensely personal story of his tormented youth in a ghetto within a ghetto. It etches the painful details of a boy’s overcoming alienation and isolation in a hostile place and in an unloving family. -- In the 1930s a small remnant community of Eastern European Jewish immigrants still resided in predominantly black Harlem. As shopkeepers eking out a marginal existence, Harlem’s Jews were a minority within a minority. Into this restricted world the author of this book was bom. -- “The experience of Harlem convinced me,” he says, “that the relationship of blacks and Jews in America has special historical significance. This is not to make fallacious claims about harmony and common cause; rather to assert that these two distinctly different peoples - sometimes marching arm in arm as in the civil rights struggle, other times in bitter confrontation as in Bedford-Stuyvesant - tell us much about the moral status of this nation at any given moment.” -- Horowitz’s parents had fled Russia, his father the victim of persecution in the Tsarist army during World War I. The boy’s schoolmates were the children of black sharecroppers who had immigrated to the North. Poverty, language, and culture all cut off the Horowitz family from traditional community life, and the stress of a survival existence led to the trauma of a deteriorating family unit. -- The author remembers one alarming feature in this fragmented family: “The central aspect of the Horowitz family was the absence of love.” Alienated from their ethnic world and from each other, the family was torn by violence and discord and came to be a mirror of the distressed environment. Street life and “hustling” became the centers of boyhood activity. Harlem and its environs, the Apollo and the Alhambra theatres, the Polo Grounds, and Central Park were the stage on which a youngster from this ghetto built a kind of self-reliance at the cost of social graces. -- Horowitz reflects in this book on the daydreams and nightmares of his Harlem boyhood and sees that the scars toughened. Out of his life in the movie houses, ball fields, public parks, hospitals, and, above all, the streets of Harlem, he found strength, self-reliance, and a sense of America’s transformation.
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