The future of Germanistik in the USA. Changing our prospects. A DAAD-sponsored Symposium at Vanderbilt University, October 13 - 16, 1994. Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages, Vanderbilt University.

von McCarthy, John A. and Katrin Schneider (Eds.):

McCarthy, John A. and Katrin Schneider (Eds.):
Verlag / Jahr
Nashville : Vanderbilt Univ. Press, 1996.
Format / Einband
Originalbroschur. XV, 177 S.
ca. 293 g
Mit Widmung für Eberhard Lämmert von John McCarthy. Einband leicht berieben. - Double Optics: The Americanization of Germanistik. The Germanization of Americans JOHN A. MCCARTHY -- Reform or Retreat. Whither American Germanics? The Language of Reform JOHN VAN CLEVE -- The American-German Divide PETER U. HOHENDAHL -- Response to Hohendahl LYNNE TATLOCK -- Graduate Education in German: Past Experience and Future Perspectives. ROBERT HOLUB -- How Visible Are We Now? HEIDI BYRNES -- Present Trends and Future Directions of American Germanics VALTERS NOLLENDORFS -- The Undergraduate Curriculum: What's Right / Wrong With It? JOSEPH G. MCVEIGH -- Reshaping the Undergraduate Experience DIETER JEDAN -- The Graduate Curriculum: Notes on What's Right / Wrong With It GERALD GILLESPIE -- The Graduate Curriculum: What's Right / Wrong With It? JANE K. BROWN -- The Americanization of German Studies: The Graduate Curriculum KEITH BULLIVANT -- Disciplining Boundaries WOLFGANG NATTER -- Cross-Gendered Cross-Cultural Studies and The German Program ALICE A. KUZNIAR -- "Everyman His Own Cultural Historian": German Studies and the Limits of Competence FRANK TROMMLER -- A Protocol TODD C. HANUN -- An Outsider's View WILFRIED KRUG -- A Student's View KATRIN SCHNEIDER -- An Organizer's View RICHARD A. ZIPSER -- An Action Agenda for German Studies for the 21st Century HEIDI BYRNES. ISBN 9780826512819
USA ; Germanistik ; Kongress ; Nashville, Deutsche Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft
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The future of Germanistik in the USA. Changing our prospects.

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