OstroVit Marine Collagen 2200mg Hyaluronic Acid + Vitamin C - 120 Vege Capsules


OstroVit Marine Collagen with Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C

OstroVit Marine Collagen with Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C is a dietary supplement in capsules containing marine fish collagen, hyaluronic acid and vitamin C. The product was created for all those who care about a beautiful and healthy appearance of the skin, as well as for people who practice sports, after sports injuries or intensive exercise, during recovery from fractures and to regenerate damaged joints. Proper collagen synthesis requires the presence of vitamin C.
Why should you buy Marine Collagen (collagen) OstroVit?
  • 120 capsules in a package
  • 1 serving = 4 capsules
  • A pack is enough for a month of supplementation
  • 2200 mg of marine collagen in one serving!
  • A comprehensive preparation for joints, tendons and cartilage
Marine collagen
Collagen is one of the most important proteins found in the human body. It is present in almost all human tissues. It is the basic building block of skin, tendons, bones, joints, cornea of the eye, among others. It is responsible for the production of joint lubricant and the elasticity and hardness of cartilage, skin hydration and the proper renewal of the epidermis. It affects the cohesiveness, strength and elasticity of connective tissue. It also has a unique ability to bind water, so the skin maintains proper firmness, elasticity and tone.
After the age of 26, the amount of collagen fibers naturally decreases, and the body loses the ability to rebuild them. Increased physical activity further intensifies the process of collagen destruction, so it is very important to supplement it during intense exercise and training. Deficiency of collagen from the skins of marine fish is the cause of movement disorders, joint stiffness and back pain, wrinkles appear, cellulite, skin hydration and firmness decrease.

Hyaluronic acid
We most often associate hyaluronic acid as an ingredient in body care products, rejuvenating cosmetics and as an agent used in anti-aging. Thanks to its properties, hyaluronic acid can increase skin elasticity, which can protect us from unwanted stretch marks, spoiling the visual effect of our figure. Oral supplementation with hyaluronic acid increases its levels in our skin, so it can accelerate recovery from injuries, cuts, abrasions or soft tissue damage. One of the most desirable benefits of hyaluronic acid when supplementing it is the positive effect on the functioning of bones, joints and connective tissue. Our body is rich in hyaluronic acid precisely around the organs of the musculoskeletal apparatus. Supplementation will have clear advantages for anyone who strength trains, runs and tries to live an active life on a daily basis. If you are one such person, take care of your bones and joints by supplementing with hyaluronic acid.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is, as the name suggests, an essential organic chemical compound. It is an exogenous nutrient in the human diet, which is mainly responsible for the proper functioning of connective tissue and bones. Its biologically active form, vitamin C, acts as a reducing agent, and a coenzyme in several metabolic pathways of the human body. Vitamin C is considered one of the main antioxidants. Vitamin C contained in the product helps in the proper production of collagen to ensure the proper functioning of cartilage, gums, skin and teeth.
Properties - why should you supplement collagen for joints?
  • Collagen strengthens the synthesis of collagen fibers
  • Collagen strengthens bones and joints
  • Collagen maintains proper firmness, elasticity and skin tone
  • Collagen inhibits the formation of wrinkles, cellulite
  • Hyaluronic acid has a building function and fills intercellular spaces
  • Hyaluronic acid can contribute to delaying skin aging
  • Hyaluronic acid can contribute to the proper functioning of joints, bones and connective tissue


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