Agave Americana Variegated’Yellow Ribbon’ 6 Inch Tall Live Plant.


Agave Americana Variegata (Variegated Century Plant) - Large rosette-forming succulent to 5 to 6 feet tall by 6 to 8 feet wide with upright slightly wavy gray-green leaves that have strong cream to yellow margins. As with other Agave americana varieties this plant has yellow-green flowers that attract hummingbirds but plants do not bloom until they are several decades or so old (not a century!) and the plant dies after flowering. Plant in full sun. Irrigate occasionally to not at all. Cold hardy to 15 degrees F or less. This large plant can be dramatic in the landscape - give it plenty of room and situate it away from traffic. Great on a hillside. This plant is the more common variegated form of Agave americana with grayer-green, more upright leaves than the form we call Agave americana ‘Yellow Ribbons’.