Medicinal properties
Oregano contains tannins and ascorbic acid (mg%): flowers - 166, leaves - 565 and stems - 58. Raw materials contain 0.3-1.2% essential oil. The essential oil obtained from the plant is colorless or yellowish. It conveys the smell of raw materials well, has a pungent taste. The main components of the oil (%): thymol - 50, carvacrol, bi- and tricyclic sesquiterpenes - 12.5, geranyl acetate - 2.6-5. Essential oils with a high content of carvacrol are superior to many existing antibiotics in their bactericidal properties, and antihistamines in their anti-allergic properties.
Meaning and application
Oregano herb is used as part of breast, diaphoretic, carminative preparations for colds and other respiratory diseases as an anti-inflammatory and expectorant. Essential oil from the herb is used as an external remedy for toothache, in Indian medicine - a stimulating and strengthening agent. Oregano is used for intestinal atony (increases peristalsis), stomach cramps, gastritis, liver inflammation, jaundice, insomnia, nervous disorders, whooping cough, and also as an expectorant. Leaves and flowers are added to baths for scrofula, rashes.
In folk medicine, oregano herb is used for rheumatism, paralysis, epilepsy, pain in the intestines, amenorrhea, and also as a diaphoretic and diuretic. In homeopathy, the plant is recommended for hypertension and atherosclerosis.
In beekeeping
Oregano is a good nectar plant. Blooms after the cessation of flowering linden. High nectar productivity allows bees to collect up to 30 kg of fragrant honey per family. Honey productivity under favorable conditions is 70-150 kg / ha. Observations showed the daily weight gain of the control hive during the flowering of oregano up to 1.5 kg. Up to three bees work on individual inflorescences. One flower releases an average of 0.0283-0.0462 mg of nectar, and there are more than 300 of them per plant. Glucose predominates in nectar (48.76-74.89%).
On one flowering shoot 1484.6 flowers. There were 42 honey bees, 2 bumblebees and 1 butterfly on 80 oregano flowers. One honey bee brings 19.8 mg of nectar to the hive and spends 67% (collected in one foraging) on ​​examining 500 flowers and flying to the hive and back.
The honey is amber-greenish, fragrant, pleasant to the taste, suitable for wintering bees, crystallizes slowly becoming white with a green-yellow tint and acquiring a fine-grained structure. The dried herb of oregano is used in beekeeping to combat wax moths and ants.
The plant is a part of spicy mixtures for pates, liver or meat fillings, homemade sausages. Oregano is added to fried, stewed and baked meats, sauces and gravies. In Italian cuisine, it is used to flavor pizza. In some European countries, mushroom dishes are prepared with oregano, which are distinguished by a delicate taste and aroma.
oregano is added when pickling cucumbers and mushrooms. with it they prepare a fragrant filling for pies, mixing with cottage cheese, meat, eggs. Oregano goes well with many spices, but especially with black pepper, basil, rosemary, marjoram.
In Russian cuisine, oregano is used for brewing tea.
In the perfumery and cosmetic industry, oregano essential oil is used to flavor toilet soaps, colognes, toothpastes and lipsticks.
Ornamental plant.
Essential oil is used in the manufacture of liqueurs and liqueurs, in the brewing industry.
Flowers color the coat orange-red

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