Bídens tripartíta seeds 

The bract is an annual plant that belongs to the Compositae family. It does not grow taller than 1 meter. The root of the plant is thin and rod-like, but well branched. The flowers of the plant are dirty yellow and tubular in color. All flowers are several in number and are arranged in baskets, which are located at the top of the stem. 
When sown in spring the seeds are stratified - mixed with twice as much damp sand and kept at about 0°C for 2-3 months. One day before sowing seeds you should apply organic and potash fertilizers to the soil.
If you sow dry seeds, sprouts slowly, plants are weaker and significantly reduced yield of medicinal raw materials. Sow seeds with 45-60 cm row spacing, 1.5-2 cm deep, the seeding rate 0.81.2 g/m 2.
Bidentis grows better on light sandy loam or loamy soil. Weeding and loosening the soil should be done during the growing season.
2-3 weeks after sowing the seeds, when the seedlings appear, you need to start watching the soil, because weeds smother the succession and do not allow it to develop. Timely removal of weeds is the first rule of rapid growth of succession.
During the first two months after sprouting, the succession grows very slowly. During this time, it needs careful care - regular weeding, watering and loosening. 
Beryl has diaphoretic and diuretic properties. The herb of the plant contributes to the normalization of metabolism. In addition, a succession improves the digestive processes in the body. Useful substances contained in the plant has a positive effect on hematopoiesis and blood clotting.
Bidentis has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties. It is recommended for use with skin diseases and bleeding. The plant is used as a tool that lowers blood pressure. In addition, succession has a good effect in the treatment of spleen diseases, bronchitis, liver disease and diabetes.
Useful properties of succession are due to those substances that are part of this plant. But perhaps the most important substance in the composition of a succession is manganese. The fact that this trace element is one of the components of a large number of enzymes in our body, and enzymes are substances that increase the rate of reactions occurring in our body. So, manganese, which is part of our body's enzymes helps improve the function of hematopoiesis, affects blood clotting. Among other things, manganese, as a part of many enzymes, affects the work of the endocrine glands.

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