Freshwater Aquarium Moss Wall | Multiple Sizes + Colours | Perfect for Shrimp / Betta Setups

**MOSS IS FOR DISPLAY PURPOSES ONLY! It is also not an aquatic moss, just used to demo the product!**

Product Information

We created these for our shrimp breeding set-ups in a bespoke size (standard size on this listing) to put on the back glass pane of our breeding tank to sit next to our HMF filter. A few people have requested them in the past but we have finally put some time into finesse the design, add a variety of size options as well as adding some mounting points for suction cups. These moss walls work extremely well with most species of moss, we have also used them in a vivarium to create a moss wall using terrestrial moss with great effect!

Simple design with suction cup mounting, strong suction cups included with all orders to ensure your wall stays strong.

Variations will be added as we photograph them individually and add the relevant product info. At the moment, a generic panel/wall size is just available which is 170mm x 150mm.

Simply gather or buy a moss of your choice and take some time to thread it through the honeycombs of the moss wall - you can also use a small amount of floss or fishing line to keep the moss extra secure whilst it establishes itself and grows around the moss wall - this creates a haven for shrimp, shrimplets as well as small fry in grow out tanks. It also makes for very straightforward, simple maintenance when trimming your aquascape as once the moss is established; it is very easy to see where you need to trim from and what to trim down.

Java Moss, Flame Moss, Weeping Moss & Riccia etc all make for great candidates - we have found Riccia can be a bit tricky to keep submersed as it typically tends to be a floating plant however it does look spectacular when submersed and it also does it no harm. We tend to stick to the other mosses for our walls to reduce the time needed to maintain the tanks when used for shrimp breeding. We have designed the walls to be 'modular' so to speak, and in even increments, so that you may add more walls over time (or so you can cover an entire pane in a larger setup).

These may also be beneficial for those who do not opt for a HMF filter with their shrimp or fish fry - the walls create a great sanctuary for the shrimplets/fry as well as being a decent source to graze natural foods from. Weary eaters may also be tempted into feeding by simply trying to aim their live feed towards the moss wall - we have found a lot of our picky eaters tend to find it a lot less stressful when grazing within the moss out of sight.

Very simple design with minimal set-up required, we put the suction cups in place prior to shipping however if they do happen to come out during transit, the location points are very easy to locate and the suction cups simply fits into the four appropriate sized holes - you can then simply choose a place for your moss wall and put it into place. We do highly recommend cleaning your glass and removing any algae or build-ups on the glass - this aids in creating a strong bond between the glass and the suction cup keeping your moss wall secured at all times.

All moss walls are inspected prior to shipping and rinsed in a bucket of our own R.O water.

This is a very versatile product and can really help you create a stunning aquascape. Whether you decide to plaster your glass with moss walls and create a massive carpet, or keep it subtle with a single side pane coverage - you'll definitely enjoy observing the results and behavior of your tank mates as they navigate their way around the thick carpets of moss!

Included in your purchase:

- 1 Moss Rack (In Selected Size + Colour)
- 4 High Quality, 30mm Suction Cups for mounting/positioning the wall

Material & Manufacturing Information

All materials used are sourced from within the UK and are handpicked to ensure they meet safety standards designated by the FDA (Food Drug Administration) which in turn means the material is safe for use in aquariums and poses no threat of leeching chemicals or contaminants into your aquarium, have peace of mind that your tank inhabitants will be able to thrive with no consequences.

In addition to this, all the materials I use are recycled polymers. This is great if you are trying to reduce your carbon footprint like me as a business. Even the packaging for all products is recyclable or reusable, I encourage all customers to keep their packaging for reuse as the packaging is high quality, long lasting and protective!

Installation Information

Simply select where you would like to place the moss wall, remove any debris or algae from the surface of the glass and then get ready to position the moss wall where you would like to place it. Once roughly in place, begin to apply pressure to each suction cup (located in each corner) to fix the wall in position. When finished, an extra firm push on the cup stem will ensure your wall is extra secure.

There are a multitude of ways to carpet your moss on the wall - you can either opt for the old fashioned way of dropping it in places as needed and tying it down with cotton or fine fishing line, or you can opt to thread moss in and out of the honeycomb design. We prefer this option as once the moss takes off and starts growing after settling, it really takes shape to the wall if you take the extra time to thread it in and out of the honeycombs creating a strong carpeting effect, just be sure to trim once in a while in order to keep things tidy!

Shipping and Returns

Returns are accepted in the event your item is broken upon arrival due to mishandling in transit, and also if any defects arise. As mentioned above, this product is also under warranty for a year, so please contact me if any issues arise or you need information on fitting the product.

As standard, all items are sent as Royal Mail 2nd Class Letters. Please contact me if you require a more urgent service for a slightly increased fee. There is also a 3 working day dispatch time on all orders, you will most likely receive your order before this date, but sometimes items have to be produced to order rather than a constant stock level being maintained due to the nature of the business.