Amman Jost, Book illustration & military clerk, captain & field marshal in marquee/style of Mannerism/ORIGINAL WOODCUT 1566 WHOLE SHEET

The impelling impetus of the woodcut was a text dealing with instructions concerning the payment of salaries for mercenaries. Each captain or field marshal would have a military clerk who must deal with such a job. The subject represents all three named personages in a marquee to discuss the money questions. It is an accurate illustration of the text on old German. Jost decorated his design with a frame ornamented by miscellaneous things touching military business. Jost endeavours to make up a motley array of different things and figures in the style of mannerism to show a gist of mercenary job. The back side of the sheet has a manneristic ornament as a weave of black lines.  

Artist’s Main Features: Born in Swiss to be settled a large part of his life in Nuremberg (*13.6.1539 Zürich +17.3.1591) Amman Jost is seen to be the only real master who was working as an engraver in the German territory of the Holy Roman Empire in the second half of the sixteenth century. Unfortunately, he had to sacrifice much of his famous talent merely for commercial uses. A large proportion of his production consists of miscellaneous book illustrations. As a painter and printmaker, he was one of the most prolific and skilled books illustrators of the 16th century who produced more than 1500 woodcuts for various works. But, happily, he found some spend opportunity for doing really artistic work in such circumstances to create high-quality portraits. His work shows him as something more than an ordinary craftsman. The work of Amman Jost heralds a new epoch in German woodcut in the time of mannerism. 

Epoche//Age: #1566

Medium: #woodcut

Location: #Holy Empire

Originality: # The original sheet in full size from the  from the book of Fronsperger, Leonhardt (1520-1575) 

Von Kaiserlichen Kriegsrechten Malefitz und Schuldhändlen Ordnung, und Regiment, sampt derselbigen und andern hoch oder niderigen Befelch, Bestallung, Stahtund Ämpter, zu Rossz vnd Fuß, an Geschütz vnd Munition, in Zug vnd Schlachtordnung, zu Feld, Berg, Thal, Wasser und Land/ vor oder in Besatzungen, gegen oder von Feinden fürzunemmen, welcher art, sitten, herkomen und gebrauch, under und bey regierung deß Allerdurchleuchtigsten, Großmächtigsten, vnüberwindtlichsten, und Kriegßerfahrnen berühmptisten Römischen Keysers Caroli deß fünfften, hochlöblichster vñ seligster gedechtniß, geübtund gebraucht : In zehen Bücher abgetheilt, dergleichen nie gesehen worden ; Mit schönen neuwen Figuren und einem ordenlichen Register. Frankfurt am Main: Feyerabend & Hüter 1566

Condition (Please study images carefully):

In general, one seems to appreciate the whole condition of the woodcut as a sufficient one for his age from the year 1566. The handmade paper has shabbiness on corners and traces of restoration. But the image did not be touched it. There are no outside writings and printings on the front and the back. There are only small stains on the front or on the back. There is only one crease and bend without tears or pinholes. But it is a whole sheet, not a cut illustration as usual on the market.

Size (in mm): 

The overall size is ca. 310 x 180 

The image size is ca. 140 x 140

Size (in inches): 

The overall size is ca. 12.2 x 7 

The image size is ca. 5.5 x 5.5 

Key words : #mannerism #knight #woodcut #Fronsperger, Leonhardt (1520-1575) #16. Jahrhundert #Feldherr, #Formschneider, #Heerführer, #Holzschnittkunst, #Landsknecht & Landsknechte, #Manierismus (Stilepoche), #Pferd & Pferde (Equus), #Reiter, #Renaissanceholzschnitt, #Söldner, #Spätrenaissance (Stilepoche)