In this weird & slimy story, Mike Mignola joins forces with Troy Nixey, who did that peculiar 'Trout' comic which made its debut in Dark Horse Presents.  This Nixey guy is clearly obsessed with fish... especially the funny-looking fishes that live down in the Ocean depths.  Also; he is probably one of those David Lynch fans who has watched Eraserhead far too many times?

Anyway, Jenny Finn is an imaginatively bizarre effort & apart from the occasional appearances of tentacled Cthuluesque monstrosities, something of a departure from Mignola's usual territory.  Jenny seems like a sort of Victor Hugo heroine - at first! - & the seething, poverty-stricken, shady setting of The City (never confirmed as London, but where else could it be?) is reminiscent of The Beggar's Opera, with a leviathan-sized injection of Dickens.  The tragic tale even ends on a Christmas Carol note... check the pic!  There is a fish-plague sub-plot too... wasn't there an X-Files episode about that sort of thing?  Probably...  

Lots of influences mingle to define the sad story of Jenny Finn (who doesn't HAVE fins, unfortunately) & Joe, seemingly the sole decent resident of The City, who seeks to save her from some dark & pre-ordained fate... making painful sacrifices, risking his soul, even disguising himself as the Elephant Man at one point... there's that David Lynch connection again!  But overall, this is a tale about doom.  Everyone constantly repeats this word.  Even the FISH say it... doom... Doom... DOOM...

(NOTE: Non-fictional fish cannot talk.  Or ride bicycles.)