This vintage oval leather eyeglasses  hard case opens at one end. Printed on the front is Borsch Optician 217 S. 9th St., Philadelphia. On the inside of the lid is a label from a different Philadelphia optician -Robert W. Burns 1608 Federal St.  An 1899 Factory Inspector's report lists a factory making optical goods at 217 S. 9th Street owned by J. L. Borsch, so this explains the 2 labels.  John Louis Borsch(1845-1921) came to the US from Germany in the late 19th century, and registered a number of patents on eyewear - the most important was a new method of making bifocals. His son John Louis Jr (1873-1929)- later known as Louis - was a famous ophthalmologist who spent most of his career in France. In 1908 he patented a process for making bifocals that improved on his father's, and had is own manufacturing company. He was better know for his pioneering cataract surgery - James Joyce and Mary Cassatt were among his patients. There was an optical business at the 9th Street address as late as 1955, but because of the style of the case, I think that it dates from the late 19th or early 20th century.  I found an ad for Robert W. Burns that stated that he started his business in  1892 - a Robert W. Burns, Jr was a registered optician at the same address in 1935. The case is 5 inches long and just under 2 inches wide. It's scuffed on the edges. The tin felt lining is intact but a bit dusty.