Hand Primer Bulb Pump

Have you ever found yourself stuck, in need of a handy tool that can help you prime an engine quicker? For example, maybe you changed your diesel engine filter, and now you need to get it primed and ready. Well, our pocket sized Hand Primer Pump gives you lighting fast results. The one way flow system, implemented in the device, prevents any flow back. The rubberised construction adds flexibility and easy of use, so that it will not interfere with the hoses positioning. Each nozzle is made from sturdy plastic, with a 10MM entry point. This hand pump can siphon most liquids.

All it takes is a hose to be fitted to each end and the easily discerned in and out points, to be allocated to the fuel tank and engine. Finally, you need to pump the rubber centre, creating a suction that quickly drags fuel from the tank. All of this is contained in a small 175MM product!


Overall Length: 175MM

Nozzle Diameter: 10MM

Product Code: SFNLPP

Weight: 0.06kg