
Lose weight with the new 24h/24 CollantZONE

CollantZONE Minci'Textil what is it exactly ?

The CollantZONE Minci'Textil truly NEW to slim down. It is a high-tech textiles, also called " Smart Textiles " . Already used in the medical field to treat cholesterol , cardiovascular prolèmes , but also other diseases like allergy problems with pollution. Today is to help you lose weight as we called smart textiles.

CollantZONE : 3 exclusive SLIMMING actions


Millions of micro- capsules slimming in the textile fiber.

Thinner instantly : thanks to its 7 compression zones , you will instantly erase the curves of your belly, reshape your hips reshape your thighs.
Sexiest : CollantZONEMinci'Textil the booster has a butt to offer you bulging buttocks, luscious and sexy ... as if you were doing sports every day.
Younger, with age the forms masculinize ( hips become straight , buttocks fall and become flattened , belly spring ... ) . CollantZONE with you immediately find a younger figure as if you were 10 years younger ...


Every movement, every step patented fiber CollantZONE Minci'Textil millions of active micro- massage on your thighs, your butt , your stomach ... More than a delicious sensation is really a slimming massage that you is offered all day!


The CollantZONE Minci'Textil contains in its fiber, millions of microcapsules loaded with slimming ingredients ( Caffeine + red algae ... ) . Once you move, the friction produced by the natural movements of walking will gradually break cesmillions microcapsules release their slimming and slimming active on your thighs, buttocks , hips , your belly. Slimming continuously without stopping throughout the day.

The benefits of massage fiber microencapsulated

Why lose weight with CollantZONE Minci'Textil rather than a classic cream?

Everything lies in evaporation : it is well known that when you apply a slimming cream , 50% of its assets may evaporate in just a few minutes , so you lose the benefits ! In addition, if you run out of time in the morning , at noon and in the evening to perform deep massage , it is not uncommon that the cream stays in your wardrobe and , in the end, you have got no results ! With CollantZONEMinci'Textil : you have nothing to do. Slimming active trapped in the fabric remain in contact with the skin and diffuse slowly and continuously throughout the day ... without effort! The massage is done alone . Night : If you use CollantZONE Minci'Textil as an undergarment , you still will increase the diffusion process of slimming caffeine and all other assets . Result: with CollantZONE MinciTextil you are guaranteed a perfect diffusion and evaporation without slimming assets. And this day and night!

What are the active slimming contained in the fiber of your CollantZONE Minci'Textil ?

CAFFEINE : micro- capsules are CollantZONE Minci'Textil sips of caffeine, active globally recognized for its exceptional slimming properties . CAFFEINE IS INVOLVED IN THE PROCESS OF LIPOLYSIS . By blocking an enzyme called phosphodiesterase , caffeine activates the destocking process of triglycerides (fats embedded ) , as well as their convoy to the mitochondria ( real combustion furnaces ) to be burned .

RED SEAWEED ( Gelidium cartilagineum ) : Marine algae are increasingly used in cosmetology. They have detoxifying and slimming properties recognized herbal medicine. Gelidium cartilagineumest red algae rich in iodine which has very effective slimming properties .

CollantZONE Minci'Textil also has moisturizing and antioxidant properties ! Millions of micro- capsules CollantZONE Minci'Textil contain, in addition to caffeine and red algae slimming , SHEA BUTTER , vegetable oil APRICOT (from the nucleus) , vegetable oil rosehips ( fruit extract ) and retinol (vitamin A) , which will nourish , moisturize and soften your skin throughout the day. They also contain tocopherols known as vitamin E. This vitamin is known for its anti -free radical and antioxidant against skin aging.

With your CollantZONE Minci'Textil you refine your silhouette while enhancing the beauty, flexibility and youthfulness of your skin , thus preventing stretch marks ... Invisible , comfortable and ultra- slimming !

When to use CollantZONE Minci'Textil ?

You can wear your CollantZONE 24h/24. The day CollantZONE Minci'Textil will forget under your suit or your dress ( even more fitting ) . It immediately gives you a slimmer look, a perfectly flat belly with its compression zones " special flat stomach ." You will be sexier, thanks to its compression zone " special enhances buttocks ." Night CollantZONE Minci'Textil become a real slimming and comfortable pajamas ! CollantZONE Minci'Textil is perfectly comfortable to wear and very sexy. Nobody will suspect that you wear underwear that makes you lose weight !

I really mincis whenever I wear my CollantZONE Minci'Textil ?

YES, it is automatic! Simply wear CollantZONE Minci'Textil , and thinning is enabled.
1 With its seven areas of compression , the slimming effect is immediately visible ( you lose waist , around the thighs ... ) . You are immediately thinner, is mechanical.
2 CollantZONE is like a giant slimming patch. It diffuses through its micro- capsules, slimming its assets ( caffeine, algae ... ) . Each movement of the hips, buttocks, stomach and thighs , capsules diffuse .
3 CollantZONE provides a true micro -massage with her ??massaging fiber Lycra Leg Care , promoting the cutaneous microcirculation .

Resistance to washing

Tests show that the microencapsulated active are still largely present after 20 washes ( certified results - testing machine at 30 ° - 40 % active encapsulated after 20 washes ) .

Sizes : M / L ( 38-42 ) XL (44-46 ) XXL (48-50 )

Color: black and flesh
