"The story of a republic congressman, a Victorian taxidermist, and the aardvark that connects them ...and all of us.

It's early one morning on a hot day in August, and millennial Congressman Alexander Pine Wilson(R), planning his first re-election campaign and in deep denial about his sexuality, receives a mysterious oversized FedEx delivery on his front stoop. Inside is a gigantic taxidermied aardvark. What does it mean?

To find out, this outrageous, edge of your seat novel hurdles between contemporary washington, dc, where Wilson tries to get rid of the unsightly Beast before it destroys his career, and Victorian england, where we meet Titus Downing, the taxidermist to stuffed the aardvark, and Richard Ostlet, then naturalist who hunted her. Our present world, we begin to see, has been shaped and profound and disturbing Ways by the secret that binds these men.

At once a ghost story, a love story, and a stunning president political satire, enter the aardvark confronts the consequences of repressed male love meeting oppressive male power, and is a searing condemnation of our current American blindness. It is also the rarest of creatures a work of art so utterly original and massive early built that it seems to have sprung fully formed from its Visionary makers head."

Dust cover has dark wear marks.