High quality hydrogel screen protector to keep your screen protected and scratch free! Self healing design. 

The default size we will send you will leave a small margin around the edge of the screen to allow you to fit a case of your choice, however if you wish to use the phone without a case we can also supply a full edge to edge screen protector which will completely cover the entire glass section of the phone.

There will be 3 different types of film that we can supply, the default is clear hydrogel, we can also supply frosted / matte hydrogel as well as a hardened thicker clear hydrogel for enhanced protection.

The best way to apply these is with a small spray bottle with a small amount of dish soap added to some filtered water, mist the sticky side of the screen protector and align to the phone. You then push the bubbles and liquid out from under the screen protector using something like a bank card or small squeegee. Once applied there will be small bubbles on the surface of the screen, this is normal and they will disappear and flatten out in around 24 hours. Don't try to peel the protector up to remove any bubbles. 

This type of screen protector will work on all types of screen including curved displays. 

Install Video: