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Titolo: Muslim Cultures of the Indian Ocean
Condizione: Nuovo
Subtítulos: Diversity and Pluralism, Past and Present
EAN: 9781474486491
ISBN: 9781474486491
Publisher: Edinburgh University Press
Formato: Copertina rigida
Data di pubblicazione: 30/04/2023
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: GB
Altezza: 234mm
Lunghezza: 156mm
Genere: History
Soggetto: Architecture & Antiques, Philosophy & Spirituality
Serie: Exploring Muslim Contexts
Contribuyente: Farouk Topan (Edited by), St phane Pradines (Edited by)
Description: Explores the role of Islam in forming and transforming interconnectivity across the Indian Ocean World from a longue dur e perspectiveHighlights the centrality of Muslim cultures in understanding interconnectivity across the Indian OceanExplores the role of Islam in forming and transforming global interactions and local agencies across the Indian OceanOffers intra-Muslim perceptions of beliefs, practices and activities, both religious and otherPresents 15 case studies across Ethiopia, Gujarat, Java, Kerala, the Malay-Indonesian archipelago, Maldives, Oman, Tanzania, Zanzibar and the Persianate cultural zoneThis book examines the role of Muslim communities in the emergence of connections and mobilities across the Indian Ocean World from a longue dur e perspective. Spanning the 7th century through the medieval period until the present day, this book aims to move beyond the usual focus on geographical sub-regions to highlight different aspects of interconnectivity in relation to Islam. Analysing textual and material evidence, contributors examine identities and diasporas, manuscripts and literature, as well as vernacular and religious architecture. It aims to explore networks and circulations of peoples, ideas and ideologies, as well as art, culture, religion and heritage. It focuses on global interactions as well as local agencies in context.
Title Format: Hardback
Autore: Farouk Topan
Anno di pubblicazione: 2023

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