Rare Onion Seeds Lubchik.

Onion Lubchik. Grows on all types of soil. Yields 35-40 tons per hectare. Variety for universal use. A medium-maturing, high-yielding variety of spicy onion. The growing season is 106-110 days. Suitable for long-term storage. Bulbs beautiful cylindrical shape, dense, weighing 150-170 g, uniform in size. Intense golden coloring and high quality of outer and inner scales. The bulb is always smooth, beautiful and never split, since onions of the first year do not shoot at all.
Onions should not be grown in the same place more than once every six years. To grow requires fertile, light, well-tilled soils with a neutral reaction. Good predecessors are tomatoes, cauliflower, cucumbers. Onions are cold-resistant plants, and they grow at an optimum temperature of 12-16°C. They are sown into the open ground as early as possible to a depth of 1 cm. Infrequent watering during vegetation is recommended to improve plant development. Subsequently, for the maturation of bulbs, watering should be stopped. Such agricultural technique will allow you to get a good harvest.

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