Bellman Visit CO Carbon Monoxide Alarm

Colourless and scentless, carbon monoxide cannot be detected through our senses alone and without the ability to hear a CO alarm you could be at risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Avoid this potentially fatal accident with the Bellman Visit CO Carbon Monoxide Alarm, which will alert your home system if it detects a dangerous concentration of carbon monoxide.

What's Included?

What Is This Product?

This is a carbon monoxide alarm designed to alert deaf and hard of hearing people to the potentially fatal presence of concentrated carbon monoxide. As well as working as a standard CO monitor; it is also part of the Bellman Visit home system and can signal your Bellman Receiver to alert you of danger.

Who Can Benefit from the Bellman Visit CO Carbon Monoxide Alarm?

For those who may not be able to hear a standard carbon monoxide alarm this could be a potentially lifesaving device. Designed for the deaf and hard of hearing to function as part of your Bellman home system, this alarm will alert your receiver when dangerous levels of carbon monoxide are present.

How Does the Monoxide Alarm Work?

This alarm uses an electrochemical sensor to detect when the concentration of carbon monoxide in the air passes a certain point. When this dangerous level of carbon monoxide is detected, the transmitter will send a radio signal over a secure radio link to the receivers in your Bellman system. The receiver will then notify you accordingly.

What Is Carbon Monoxide?

Carbon monoxide is an invisible, odourless and tasteless toxic gas produced by the incorrect burning of standard fuels such as coal, wood, petrol and many more. Many people are killed and many more suffer ill health each year from carbon monoxide as our blood absorbs it when we breathe causing oxygen starvation that can rapidly damage the heart and brain.

Carbon Monoxide Alarm Responses

The alarm will sound with an alert louder than 85dB and send a signal to your Bellman Receiver in the following instances:

Other signals made by the alarm:

Hush Function

If the alarm is set off and you want to hush it then simply press the test/hush button, which will immediately stop the alarm. The red LED will continue to blink and, if carbon monoxide is still present, after four minutes the alarm will begin to sound again. It can only be silenced once during a CO incident. The hush button will also temporarily stop the low battery warning.

Please Note: at CO levels exceeding 150ppm, the alarm cannot be silenced.

Reliable Detection

The electrochemical sensor in the Bellman Visit CO Carbon Monoxide Alarm has been tested to comply with the standard BS EN 50291-1:2010 and BS EN 50291-2:2010. This means that this device is proven to provide quality and secure detection of CO that is suitable for deaf and hard of hearing people.

Where Is the Optimal Placement of the CO Alarm?

Ideally, CO alarms would be installed in every room that contains a fuel burning appliance such as an oven or fireplace and in remote rooms where occupants spend a considerable amount of time. The alarm should be fit in the centre of the ceiling at least half a metre from any corners or walls as these collect dead air which could impact the functioning of the alarm.

Well Placed Bellman CO Carbon Monoxide Alarm Ready to Detect Poisonous Concentrations of Gas

Broadcast or Transmit to a Specific Receiver

If you want the CO alarm to connect to a specific receiver, first change the radio signal on the desired receiver. Next, open the cover on the alarm and hold the radio button until the LED flashes blue. Press the test button on your receiver and the link will be established. Otherwise, press the radio button three times in quick succession and the device will be in broadcast mode to signal all your Bellman Receivers.

How Easy Is the Carbon Monoxide Alarm to Maintain?

As this alarm has a set lifespan of 10 years and is ready to install straight out the box, it requires very little maintenance and can function effectively without any work on your behalf. The device should be cleaned occasionally by wiping it with a clean and slightly damp cloth to prevent the build-up of dust (do not use household cleaning products).

Features a Sealed Battery

This Carbon Monoxide Alarm has a battery life of 10 years and the battery is sealed within the device so that it cannot be changed. This is because the alarm has an extensive 10-year lifespan but after this period it will no longer function effectively and should be replaced or it will no longer accurately detect the presence of carbon monoxide.

Key Benefits of the Bellman Visit CO Carbon Monoxide Alarm

Technical specifications