
Ultra X works at 45kHz ultrasonic frequencies which utilize the principle of acoustic microstreaming, agitation and cavitation to reach difficult to instrument areas of the complex root canal system.

It can be applied endodontically to -

1. Disrupt the smear layer and biofilm and open up the plugged dentinal tubules.

2. Remove gross dentinal debris.

3. Amplify the efficiency of irrigants.

  • Cordless endodontic ultrasonic device
  • Reduces the irrigation time
  • Utilizes the principle of acoustic microstreaming, agitation and cavitation

Eighteeth Medical Ultra X-Ultrasonic Activator (6 Tips)

  • 1 x Ultra X-Ultrasonic Activator
  • 2 x Gold tips (18mm #2%) 
  • 2 x Blue tips (18mm #2%)
  • 2 x Silver tips (21mm #2%)
Direction to Use
  • Prepare the root canal to desired taper
  • Fill the final rinse solution into the canal
  • Select an activator tip that fits passively when placed 2-3mm short of working length
  • Agitate the solution using short vertical strokes for around 30 seconds. Be careful to not breach the apical 2mm
  • Replenish the irrigant, use suction to remove loose debris
  • Repeat the agitation and replenishment cycle for 4-5 times