In addition to the Hellboy Universe, there is now also the Outerverse, created by Mike Mignola & his literary collaborator, Chris Golden.  While this parallel reality could theoretically be merged with the Hellboy-verse, since the characters are similar & engage in the same sort of Manichean struggles against occult evil, the alternate-history aspect of the Outerverse prevents amalgamation... eg; in Mignola & Golden's 'Baltimore' series of graphic-novels, the First World War is brought to an early end by a plague of Vampirism... yay!  Everyone was very pleased about THAT!  There is a Golem knocking around somewhere in the Outerverse too, but we don't meet him until later & anyway, he is only interested in killing wicked Witches... whereas Lord Henry Baltimore is definitely more of an Olde-School Vampire Hunter.  (Though he does, sometimes, kill Witches too...)

In this third volume of Lord Baltimore's chronicles, there is a change of pace... not the different kind of pacing that the title character starts doing after losing a leg, no... but instead of a single, lengthy narrative, the reader is given a series of short vignettes that explore the grim & solitary life of a committed, full-time hunter of vampires.  An undead soldier preying on his widow, an itinerant vampire skulking within a wrecked tank, spidery bloodsuckers lurking beneath a bridge, using a ghoulish boy to lure his playmates to their lair for grisly sustenance... Henry Baltimore encounters them all... & destroys them all.  A mad scientist attempting to create a cure for vampirism manages to transform himself into a horrific monster, while a macabre play is enacted at behest of the malevolent 'Haigus.'

Meanwhile; ruthless Inquisitor Judge Duvic gets his own short-story, in which his miserable childhood in an orphanage is revealed... post-nostalgia, he then gets to torture someone... why, it is Simon Hodge, the irritating journalist from Book #2!  Unfortunately, Hodge escapes... it now seems that there is to be a reckoning between Baltimore & his nemesis, Duvic, a final duel to the death, which shall take place in Budapest.  In a month's time.  Be there!  Don't miss it!