BRIGITTE BARDOT  " Bravo: Année 1959 "

Description:  " B.B-Bombe Bardot " 4 pages, Rock Hudson 1 page, Michel Simon 2 pages, Romy Schneider & Alain Delon 2 pages, etc...

40 pages

Bon état !

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BRIGITTE BARDOT  " Bravo: Year 1959 "

Description:  " B.B-Bombe Bardot " 4 pages, Rock Hudson 1 page, Michel Simon 2 pages, Romy Schneider & Alain Delon 2 pages, etc...

40 pages

Good condition!

Protected Shipment.

To eBay buyers: books and magazines sold are second-hand, having belonged to a collector. These books or magazines are sometimes worn or scratched or simply not used, but never new. Please pay attention to this information, avoiding any risk of dissatisfaction!