Welcome to our website, where we offer the perfect gift for those who love a challenge - the Annoying Gift Box with 20 screws to undo!

Our Annoying Gift Box is a one-of-a-kind product that is 3D printed in PLA, a sturdy and versatile thermoplastic material, in multiple colors to suit your taste. This small box is designed to frustrate the recipient with its 20 screws that need to be undone in order to reveal the surprise gift inside.

Whether you're looking to prank a friend, family member or colleague, this Annoying Gift Box will definitely provide some entertainment and laughter. So, if you're ready for a challenge, order your Annoying Gift Box with 20 screws to undo today and watch as your loved one tries to unravel the mystery!

Primary color will be used for the box, lid, screws and key.

Secondary color will be used for the brackets and bow.

Size of the box is

Width - 100mm

Depth - 100mm

Height - 75mm

Comes with small screwdriver to undo screws.

Printed under licence from Thinair3d.