Product images belong to us
It says 094-G084D-19 on the product
used product
The exact intended use is unknown.
You can confirm the product from the images.
We buy the goods remaining in the customs by tender
We sell our products all over the world.
Information was obtained on the statement of the person who caught the fugitive.
Graphometronic is written on the declaration
There are no other words written on the product.
We do not have any information on its functionality.
This is how it is for sale.

Amateur photos belong to us !!

The product will be put in a different box to avoid damage during shipping.

Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply.

After it is shipped, it will arrive in an estimated 3-6 days for Europe and 3-7 days for the United States.

Your order will be delivered to cargo within 1 day. 

Please let us know if you have any questions.