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Religion; Saints 

Italy; related to

Christianity; Catholic 



This beautiful medal has been minted in France to commemorate the idea of the TIDAL ENERGY. 


It is signed by the prominent French medalist, Daniel FLOURAT. 


Tidal energy arises from the movements of water created by the tides and caused by the combined effect of the gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun. It is used in the form of potential energy — thanks to the rise in sea level — or in the form of kinetic energy — thanks to tidal currents.

The exploitation of tidal energy is old. The first tidal mills date from antiquity on the River Fleet in Roman London. They apear throughout Europe in the Middle Ages like those on the Adour , built in the XIIth  century.  The first tidal power plant producing electricity by the force of the tides was the Rance tidal power plant in north-eastern Brittany, commissioned in 1966. 


diameter - 68 mm (ca 2¾“)

weight – 222.40 gr, (7.74 oz)

metal – bronze, authentic patina 


France, following the construction of the Rance dam had a project for the construction of a huge tidal power plant closing the bay of Mont Saint-Michel , with a dam 40  km long and 800 turbines. Several preliminary studies were carried out but the project was abandoned.