Wind of change

That is the name I was thinking the whole time while making this one.

Not only because of the breeze through the grass, but also because of the little one next to the mother.

She will remember the moments with a little sadness when it was small, adorable, and defenseless, but will also watch with pride as it grows and changes.

Size: 21x30 cm

Mixed media: Watercolor, ink, Free-hand cut vinyl wrap


Реших да я кръстя ,,Вятър на промяната".

Не само, заради повея минаващ през тревата, но и заради малкото до майката.

Тя ще помни моментите с лека тъга, когато то е било малко, очарователно и беззащитно, но и ще гледа с гордост как расте и се променя.