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Math for Non-Mathematicians
Maurice Klein, the author of Mathematics for Non-Mathematicians, is a mathematician who has long worked for the popularization of mathematics. He has written several articles on mathematics and mathematics education, and has made a great contribution to the public in introducing the meaning and value of applied mathematics as well as pure mathematics.

The author, Maurice Klein, provides a clear, non-abstract answer to readers who wonder if mathematics is a science worth studying. In this book, the author describes mathematics as an integral part of Western culture. Approach how mathematics appeared in human civilization and how it developed over time. Greek mathematicians, including Pythagoras, who described everything as numbers, Euclid, who wrote the principles, began with the worlds four largest civilizations. Demonstrate the relationship between mathematics and modern culture. It also discusses the impact of mathematics on the arts, such as art and music, and discusses some of the mathematical aspects used in our everyday lives.

The author says that in order to be interested in mathematics, we must first eliminate prejudice against mathematics. Knowing the origins of the science of mathematics and understanding how it affects our lives makes it easier to break the prejudice that mathematics is simply a science that counts or is not related to life. Thus, Maurice Klein leads the narrative by conveying both scientific and human meanings.