Stunning 19th Century Meiji Era Oriental Cast Bronze Japanese Kagami Handled Mirror

Approximate dimensions
Total height is 32 cm
Mirror diameter is 23 cm, thickness at rim is 3 mm
Handle length is 9 cm long, thickness is 2 mm
Handle is slightly offset from the centre line of the mirror.

What is shown and symbolised in the image side of the mirror?

There are 10 characters distributed across small and large typeface sizes.
8 characters are in small typeface. These float in the sky on the left. They are this kagami's creator's mark.
2 characters are in large typeface. These heavily overlay the tree and the bamboo.

Landscape of the image
Stylised rural landscape featuring animals and plants, water, land and sky, which is stippled.

Animals in the image
One turtle is in the water. It has a feathery tail.
It is looking at a crane standing behind it on the bank.
This crane is calling skywards, to a second crane flying high.
This crane is looking back at the crane on the bank, while holding a sprig of flower buds in its beak.

Plants in the image
Water reeds called asahi, plants, grass, three upright bamboo stems, two contorted fantasy pine trees grow from a wave-washed beach, called suhama. They bear stylised bunches of pine needles, cherry-type flowers and buds. The three stylised flowers shown are called karahana mon. The double trunked Pines are a reference to the twin pines that form the central theme of the Noh play Takasago. They and the bamboos are emblematic of lendurance, longevity and marital harmony.