George S. Barrett


CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH HYMNAL or HYMNS OF WORSHIP, PRAISE AND PRAYER FOR CONGREGATIONAL CURCHES, by George S. Barrett.........This book contains PART ONE - HYMNS........Published by the Congregational Union of England and Wales, London, I don't see a publication date, but I think the book is from the late 1800s....

        DESCRIPTION - The book is bound in full leather...A purty small book, it measures about 5 3/4 inches high, and about 4 1/2 inches across the front...

        CONDITION - The book is in overall good condition.....The pages are good, with the edges darkened, and with what I would call a fairly light old book scent..........The cover has some wear and use, with much of the back hinge torn, with the back cover about to come loose.......This is a purty good ol'  book - but with the torn back cover, do handle it with care........I think you will be pleased with it....

      PAYMENT AND SHIPPIN ' 'Course the thrilled byer is gonna hafta pay $3.95 for shippibn' and handlin'......Multiple purchases save on shippin'......


...Now while you're here, why don't you give my other auctions a look-see...Why, I 'spect I got a wagon load of mighty good books over yonder in my Book Barn...

Thanks a heap....!!!

- - - ol' arkee