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Titolo: Dance of the Living Image
Condizione: Nuovo
Tipo: CD
EAN: 0716205030420
Genere: Jazz
2007 release, the fourth installment in the Lost Reel Collection. Dance of the Living Image contains recently discovered rehearsal tapes believed to have been recorded in the San Francisco area in December 1974. Identified in the session are Sun Ra, John Gilmore, Marshall Allen, Danny Ray Thompson, James Jacson, Damon Choice, Akh Tal Ebah, Eloe Omoe, Clifford Jarvis, Dale Williams, and others. As an Arkestra member once commented, "The best music always came from the rehearsals", and here is solid evidence to back that up! Transparency.
Numero di dischi: 1
Artista: Sun Ra
Etichetta discografica: Transparency

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