Rosemary Oil  
(Rosmarinus officinalis) 

Pure / Natural / Vegan

Choose Between 10ml / 20ml / 30ml / 50ml / 100ml

Therapeutic Grade   

Fully Certified 


Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) oil is a popular essential oil known for its wide array of health benefits. It has become increasingly important and popular over the years as more of its benefits are now known, including its ability to stimulate hair growth, boost mental activity, relieve respiratory problems and reduce pain.

The health benefits of rosemary essential oil made it a favourite of Paracelsus, a renowned German-Swiss physician, and botanist, who made significant contributions to the understanding of herbal medicine during the 16th century. Paracelsus valued rosemary oil because of its ability to strengthen the entire body. He correctly believed that rosemary oil had the ability to heal delicate organs such as the liver, brain, and heart.

Rosemary Oil Uses

One of the most popular uses for rosemary essential oil is as a relaxing massage oil. With a scent that lifts the mood in any space, rosemary is the perfect choice for a home massage to soothe aching muscles. 
With many convinced that rosemary oil has the ability to boost hair growth and improve the condition of hair, it’s often added to shampoos and conditioners to leave hair smelling fabulous and looking fantastic. 
For a relaxing bath time, add a few drops of oil to a hot bath. Said to reduce inflammation and ease a tired mind, it’s the perfect fragrance for some time out in the tub. 

If you’re looking to blend rosemary oil with another essential oil, try combining it with eucalyptus or peppermint to create a fresh scent for an instant lift. 

Unlock the Magic of Rosemary Essential Oil For Thicker, Shinier Hair 

Hair growth is something that many of us desire, which is why so many products are available on the market aimed at improving it. But before you shell out for expensive products, consider trying out a natural remedy: rosemary essential oil! 

This ancient plant has been used for centuries to promote hair growth and give a healthy shine to locks. It’s thought that its active ingredients stimulate activity in your scalp, leading to enhanced hair production and nourishment. It is also known to reduce excess sebum—an oily substance secreted by the scalp—which can lead to stronger hair follicles, fewer breakouts and ultimately thicker, healthier hair. 

To get started with this natural elixir, here are some tips on how to use rosemary essential oil for enhancing your mane’s appearance: 

Make a Scalp Massage Oil – Combine 3-5 drops of oil with 1 tablespoon of carrier oils like jojoba or coconut and massage into your scalp for 5 minutes before shampooing. This helps stimulate blood circulation which can promote strong healthy tresses! 
Hair Rinse – Dilute your rosemary essential oil with a carrier and add 4-6 drops into your bowl of fresh water. Use this mixture as the final rinse after shampooing & conditioning – it will help nourish the scalp and increase volume! 
DIY Shampoo – Create your own shampoo by stirring 5 drops of rosemary essential oil into 1/4 cup of liquid castile soap. This concoction helps balance the scalps oils while preventing buildup and promoting growth! 
Hair Mask – Whip up a luxurious treatment by blending 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise with 1 drop each of rosemary essential oil & lavender essential oil (optional). Apply evenly onto wet or dry locks then cover with a shower cap – leave on for 15-30 mins then rinse off for silky soft shiny locks! 

Rosemary essential oil really does work wonders when it comes to hair growth – just be sure not to overdue it as too much can cause irritation and overstimulation. Start slow and adjust accordingly until you find what works best for you! 

Oil Properties 

Rosemary oil has a clear, powerful refreshing herbal smell, is clear in colour and watery in viscosity. 

Latin Name: Rosmarinus officinalis

Origin: Tunisia

Plant Parts Used: Flowering Tops

Extraction process: Steam Distillation